Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Today students considered another factor that may be causing problems for fish in Gray Area.  With logging an active business, some of the rivers were looking a little dirty.  Students used secchi disks to determine the clarity, or turbidity, of the water in the various lakes and rivers in the area.  They then examined the sediment files to understand the effects of erosion and high levels of sediments on the organisms living there.

Bare earth, verses plant material erosion demonstration.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Jones Gap Field Study

We had a wonderful learning experience at Jones Gap!  Students explored the river and forest systems of the park.  They were able to use field guides for plant and animal identification, conduct several water quality tests, and understand the important interactions between the two habitats. Thanks to all our wonderfully behaved students and fantastic chaperons!
Loaded up!
Introduction bu Ranger Tim

Creating our own adaptation for better hearing.

Millipede paparazzi.

Checking the pH of the Middle Saluda River.

Checking the temperature of the river.

Checking the turbidity of the water.

Donning boots!

Searching for macro-invertebrates.

In the lab. Waterpenny.

In the lab. Stonefly Nymph.

The whole troop!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Jones Gap Preparation

We spent today preparing by doing some review and covering expectations.  Students can continue to practice the must-know terms at this link.  We also looked at water quality test we will conduct at the park, layers of the forest, and life cycles of some of the macro-invertebrates we hope to find. Students did a great job researching and composing their expert cards highlighting one of the many living organisms that calls Jones Gap home.

Rat Snake- Maleah

Blue-Header Vireo- Kamryn

Eastern Garter Snake- Sean

Eastern Chipmunk- Gabby

Red-Tailed Hawk- Sydney

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid- Kailen

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker- Kayden

Black-throated Green Warbler- Austin

Kentucky Warbler- Dominick

Wood Frog- Shaina

Flowering Dogwood- Hailey

Fraser Magnolia- Mary Ann